Something on top there...can’t tell from the pic if its on a rail or the bolt. But looks like the stock has the tube for the lame Stoner design. (not saying I dont dig my AR)
And... the fact that the press conference they mention “assault rifle” could be an AR.... If that mag didn’t look so big, I’d still say maybe some junker like a kel tec or saiga—but the photo is warped and low res to begin with
Yeah, but you can’t count on the stock tube. There’s so many adapters for other firearms to take advantage of the AR’s aftermarket in stocks that it’s not funny. My Saiga 12 mounts the tube and stock off an AR, for example.
Thing is, there’s no adapter block like almost all of them take. Those things are usually large and obvious and this one doesn’t seem to have one so chances are good it’s an AR, even if you ignore everything else.
I for one don’t dig the AR much and it wasn’t until the piston ARs started coming out that I started being interested in them. If it comes down to it, I’ll hang on to my FAL.