The Capitol Police takes all threats to members of Congress seriously.Yet they leave his twitter posts up:"We are looking into that matter," said Officer Shennell Antrobus, a spokesman for the Capitol Police.
TroyGilmoreJr @ArmyVet54 9 OctThat was nine days ago, and he has posted Cruz's address numerous times from back on Oct 14, after he tweeted this:CRUZ,BOEHNER,RYAN,CANTOR PAUL,MCCONNELL Put them in cement and drop them in the Atlantic Ocean alive that will get rid of them.
TroyGilmoreJr @ArmyVet54 14 OctThen if they are "looking into" this, how about having twitter remove the posts (numerous) with the address in them.Lets Find Ted Cruz,Texas address and show up his House,drag him out and Bitch slap his Ass in front of the country.
Because he threatens this:
TroyGilmoreJr @ArmyVet54 17 Oct COME PEOPLE RISE UP AT TED CRUZ,HOME IN HOUSTON,AND TAKE THAT ANTI-CHRIST BASTARD DOWN.HE DESERVES EVERYTHING HE GETS THE PUSSY!!Rico law, inciting to riot, death threat to government officials "take that...bastard down" etc.
Oh that's right he is a Republican, conservative and Tea Partier!
They should do more than "look into this matter," they need to do something!
he said he knows about the trouble from racists and then states he’s from NJ and is proud of that even though he;s moved to my state.
Well piss off yankee and go back to NJ