And so, BroJoeK is looking there for the explicit positive statement: Jesus is God.
***John1:1, In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God.
John1:14 basically says that the Word was Jesus.
So, The Word Was God... The Word was Jesus. Jesus was God. Simple tautology.
Of course, heretics think there are “other ways” to “interpret” this passage. They also think the same thing of myriad other passages, so much so that they turn themselves into pretzels when they twist scripture and history around so much. It becomes an unrecognizable mishmash very quickly rather than a simple, straightforward statement from the God of the Universe to us.
Your bitterly foul language towards yours truly, BroJoeK, notwithstanding, the fact remains that historically and even today, millions of people have not interpreted those words in the same way you do.
And historically many of those were persecuted and murdered for their "heretical" beliefs.
So I am here to tell you, Kevmo, that neither they nor I deserve the verbal abuse you've dished out.