What mean you say?
Sorry - I have seen your posts and admire what you have posted in the past. What are you saying here?
Stuck it in search and this is the first one I clicked on - it will tell you of the strife that has started there. I’ll stay in my own country where I am a citizen instead a foreign country who wouldn’t care diddly what happened to me in a time of trouble. Citizens get more protection than a stranger.
With any location, what you see on the surface is not what you get if you live there. Any island cannot produce all the population needs. I have been to Hawaii and lived there as the full time residents do, and there is no power there unless fuel comes in by ship. Electricity is so expensive, most homes do not have air conditioning. I was living in a big two story lovely home but no air conditioning due to the expense. Food of all kinds, how about breakfast cereal, must be imported. The cost of food is high due to it having to be imported.
The Philippine islands are no different. They must import or be in serious trouble. “The state of Philippine farming and agriculture is so bad that it now imports more food than it grows for its own population.”
In considering any location, how does water and food and power get to your location? On an island, in case of an emergency when no ships can arrive, what happens to your water delivery, food, power, security?
I would not live on any island as none can be totally independent without serious loss of standard of living and even what one needs to survive - water, food, power, security.