These people don’t get it, do they?
Not. At. All.
They're like the little kids in that TV commercial, "more is better"
Doubling down on losing bets is no way to go through life. Kind of like fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life either.
I’m not a pacifist nor an isationist. If he were going to finally take out (instead of protecting)the dangerous Iranian nuke missile factories I’d be cheering him along. But we have a super serious problem when one man can tAke us to war when neither USA nor our interests nor allies are endangered. This infidel nation is not here to build the world Islamic caliphate. when we go to war it should be for our defense or that of our allies not enemies of all of the above. We need to bolster congress right now and then figure out how to fix the system to prevent this danger in future.