McCain Says Congress Blocking Strike on Syria Would Be Catastrophic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
If we attacked, we would be at war with Russia, and on the wrong end of the war logistics stick with China.
McCain has joined the psychopomp association run by the Obama Regime.Obama has betrayed US allies, notably Mahammar Khadaffi, Honsni Mubarak, and now seeks to betray Israel. The entire ME is a huge mess, and now the Saudis are dictating US foreign policy.Let the Sunni and Shiite Islamists fight it out. This is a battle for Mecca, not for
the security of the United States, and so we should just let them kill each other off.Let Moscow bask in the glow of unchained nuclear fallout a few years from now.
If Iran lauches a nuclear weapon, then let Russia deal with it.The USA needs its own domestic energy resources developed , and we simply need to support and protect Israel, and let the rest go to hell in a handbasket.
Obama’s task is simple. He seeks to destroy the USA, and McCain and Graham are aiding Obama in his nefarious task.
Supporting a liberal fascist ideological war would ruin the US economy by isolating it from China.We would be toast in a few short years.Soup lines would be standard in every town across the USA.Obama wants every US citizen dependent on the federal government, a socialist state.Obama wants to use war to help bring about the destruction of the US economy and its institutions dedicated to freedom of the people.
A shot acrioss the bow of Syria? No, its a shot right up the arse of America.
And to think McCain was the alternative to Obama in 2008. Is there a war that senile old sh*t and his fruity little tagalong pal DON’T like?
Someone PLEASE grab the hook and yank these two off the stage!
These two idiots have rocks in their heads. Sucking up to The One and his minions will NOT resolve this mess. Politics and manipulation is what this is all about.
The people in that region hate us. REALLY hate us... and McCain thinks that's going to get worse?
It's not possible.
BUT Arabs are great at fawning over fools and puffing up their big fat egos...IMHO THAT loss is what McCain thinks would be catastrophic...
Hillary was fed a line too - it's why she thought Arabs would be 'grateful' for the 'freedom' they were 'given' them with the Arab spring debacle. (fools)
It’s long past time for a revolution. These idiots do not represent us.
Voting NO is not the same as blocking it.
Obama can still act on his own and take full credit for the failure to solve anything.
When will these two STFU?
What is catastrophic is the political acumen of people in AZ.