I read the articles. I almost feel sorry for any campus police department. Almost.
Imagine how many times a week they have to deal with sluts coming in claiming they were raped when in fact they just got drunk - had consentual sex - and then regretted it later.
Is that you Bill Clinton?
The high school in which I teach recently dealt with a rape trial that became an international sensation. As part of our new training we were inserviced about Ohio rape laws and the rape investigation process. What you are suggesting happens so rarely, and when it does the investigators (real investigators) know and eliminate the issue almost immediately. There are actually more rapes that go unreported than girls claiming rape when it didn’t really happen. Also, and again this is Ohio, a person can give consent but the person to whom consent was given can still be charged and found guilty of rape. If the person giving consent is in a state where he or she cannot possibly make the proper decision for him or herself (i.e. under the influence of drugs or alcohol), then that is also rape.