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To: ottbmare

Mamas, don’t have sex with men you’re not married to.
Pick better men, and the population of better men will grow.

38 posted on 07/25/2013 6:09:17 AM PDT by MrB (The difference between a Humanist and a Satanist - the latter admits whom he's working for)
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To: MrB
Mamas, don’t have sex with men you’re not married to.

That goes without saying. Sad that our culture has changed so much that the very SUGGESTION that people should wait to have sex until they're married is considered outrageous. You know that the most unreasonable and terrible injustice in the whole world is expecting people to be sexually continent and thus endure some horniness.

Pick better men, and the population of better men will grow.

I believe that many women of all races in the underclass have no idea what that would mean. They see no good men and choose their lovers based on how the men treat them--and we all know that a man who wants something can treat a woman like a queen for awhile. The men behave badly because they have no fathers, Scoutmasters, ministers, priests, to model fine character for them and discipline them while they're growing up.

This is not just a problem in the inner city, but in many white suburbs filled with divorcees, as well. I was just visited last week by two young saleswomen for Verizon who were trying to talk me into getting their FiOS cable. Both 25. One white, one Hispanic. Both attractive, smart, hard-working, focused, talented. Both had four-year-old children. The white girl had gotten pregnant by her worthless boyfriend on purpose. They planned it, even though they weren't married. Then he left. The Hispanic girl said hers was an accident. At least they didn't have abortions, I'll say that for them. We had a long rewarding talk about raising children alone. God bless and preserve them, but neither one of them seemed to think that a good church could be of help to them.

I think it's fair to add that many inner-city women would secretly love to get married but have no hope it will ever happen, so they give up very early.

59 posted on 07/25/2013 10:02:46 AM PDT by ottbmare (the OTTB mare)
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