My comment was directed at the fact that this is just one more in a series of unexplained and downright eerie events that have plagued American life since at least the Kennedy assassination. You're more than right when you say other journalists should be seriously looking into this matter.
Maybe it was simply a drunk or self-involved journalist high on drugs crashing his car after an all-night spree. It wouldn't be the first time. But it's also a mystery. How many of us knew what was really going on beneath the cultural "surface" before the recent NSA spying revelations? How many of us know the truth about so much else in American public life? How personally dangerous is it to probe too deeply?
Those of us who knew of government snooping/manipulation were told we were crazy conspiracy theorists and just imagining things until Snowden told the world the truth. The illegal snooping in David Petraeus’ emails made the story national knowledge even before that, but only the former NSA whistleblower under Bush was willing to point out the obvious: that snooping is being done NOT for national security, but to target critical people - in Petraeus’ case, a “critical” person because he could have revealed what was really going on in Benghazi.
Now the reporter who was used to reveal the dirt on Petraeus has showed up dead in what the Bush & Clinton national security director has said could be a cyber assassination by the regime, shortly after he told friends he was onto a big story and feared for his life and the life of his wife. His body was cremated against the wishes of his family, with the decision made by.... who, again? FBI folks just happened to be there at the scene of the early-morning collision/explosion/whatever. Hastings had given his information to an attorney, but with the NSA obviously snooping on him they could easily have had somebody pose as an attorney in order to set him up and dispose of the information. That’s the kind of crap that a lawless regime is able to do. We’re all fools if we ignore that fact.