If racial unrest follows Zimmerman jury decision, blame it on Activist Obama
Saturday, July 13, 2013 12:08:14 PM · 18 of 26
mosesdapoet to rktman
This is reference to an editorial run in Canada Free Press. The Canadians got it right.! Too bad half of the so called conservatives talk show hosts Ive been listening to cant seem to be willing to connect the dots to what a heavy hand his imperious highness played in this example of socialist justice meted out to serve the policies of the state . Turning this into a show trial replete with wall to wall tv coverage.
.For certain since the not guilty verdict has been rendered the facts of this case are still being concealed by the media such as pictures of both side by side they look like cousins. The mixed area that Zimmerman was a “watch captain” in was struggling with single and groups of young blacks on the prowl.,In some instances armed, preying on homeowners.in his area..That area wasn’t even examinined because it wouldn’t fit their agenda.. Which if done ,if true journalisim existed, because that might explain his action of surveilance . In many watch areas that’s done frequently when the subject disappears from view.
Even after learning the shooter was a big Obama supporter, not Jewish, and a very dark skinned “hispanic” Obama did nothing to curtail the hyperbole or tone down his edict creating this as a racist episode. The socialists controlling the media propaganda machine oblidged.. They began claiming the neighborhood watch captain was a white hispanic .or used a picture of a 12 year old Martin instead of the 6 foot 165 pound person he was vs the smaller 140 pound neighborhood watch captain. Worse yet allowed his US Attorney General to use questionable activities to promote a show trial and ignored using a threat of prosecution to black militant groups threatening the watch captains life.
Meanwhile attacks by black groups on selected happless white victims which wind in their death get ignored by the mainline socialist messengers MSM service and black on black killings many of the age of the so called victim is likewise same-o same-o.
Well, it’s Monday morning now, and a week full of talk radio programs to look forward to. Now our side (the pro Zimmerman crowd) will get out via Rush, Hannity, Mark Levin’s programs. I have high hopes they will bring up and discuss Trayvon’s track record and background, including the jewelry and screwdriver used frequently for burglaries. Here’s to a fun week when the Right gets to decimate the Left regarding the Zimmerman trial and his acquittal. Makes me feel better already.
What we will not hear out of the mouths of the Obamas, Sharptons,et al is, “Oh. Sorry. We got it wrong.”