No dog in this fight shy of justice vs mob rule and polidiots and presstitutes pandering to the race card throwers. This BS should have never passed a grand jury that would have been no billed the case as presented by the local police.
Listened to Zimmermans brother smack down Piers Morgan in a very clean and professional manner. That man needs his own show IMO.
He’s a calm, intelligent thinker. I say such without knowing his politics. That was how impressed I was with Robert Zimmermans rebuttal to all the myths and fabricated BS the polidiots spewed to the public.
The Paula Deens and the George Zimmermans got a taste or what they voted for recently.
Voters take note. America’s infrastructure is broke. Not real sure it can ever be repaired.
My opinion..... Stay safe !
It's just a matter of time before we as a people either put them down at the ballot box...or they push it to the cartridge box.