To: Texaspeptoman
Also, remember that in trying to locate Travon, dads first call was to juvi....
IMHO, that is one of the top five gotchas in this case. So much was communicated to the jur in so few words.
Who do you know, that when their child is missing, the first place they call is juvi? It speaks many volumes.
1,114 posted on
07/09/2013 11:20:35 AM PDT by
cuban leaf
(Were doomed! Details at eleven.)
To: All
Thank God that show is over....I want that 45 minutes back.
1,121 posted on
07/09/2013 11:22:33 AM PDT by
(In a World of Information, Ignorance is a Choice.)
To: cuban leaf
IMHO, that is one of the top five gotchas in this case. So much was communicated to the jur in so few words. 'Firmtive. That was breathtaking, and I bet he wouldn't have said it if he had been sequestered like all the rest of the witnesses. I think MOM thought about it and decided to use the loophole that allowed TM to be in the courtroom to his advantage, and he gaslighted him.
1,137 posted on
07/09/2013 11:24:40 AM PDT by
Cyber Liberty
(I am a dissident. Will you join me? My name is John....)
To: cuban leaf
Who do you know, that when their child is missing, the first place they call is juvi? It speaks many volumes.Indeed it does.
1,141 posted on
07/09/2013 11:25:04 AM PDT by
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