Think? This is old school to complement your opponent while you smash his game to smithereens.
Wait, those weren’t defense witnesses we’ve been seeing? O my!
Retarded State needs to list elements of Murder2 and ‘splain where they provided evidence of same.
Is the Defence going to call Marco Rubio?
Is the Defense going to call Marco Rubio?
I hope they recall Jeantel.
I agree with that. Don’t come across like West’s daughter did on her twitter account as well. Be respectful always. I can see why Zimmerman wanted to do the Hannity interview. He knew he had nearly 90% of the media and the Obama’s DOJ coming after him. He was trying to show that he was not this guy that hated this black kid. I would be worried too for the defense because they don’t know what the jury is thinking and how they are leaning. I image they along with alot of us can see this as a simple self defense case against a corrupt system to get the guy/ and for those who blame guns for crimes and do hate the stand your ground law; they would not want him found not guilty.
This is a great way for O’Mara to show a bunch of potential clients that “Yes, I can beat the prosecution so badly that you will be able to sue Ben Crump!”
Still, I will relish watching those political operatives getting their hat handed to them. This is going to be fun.
Better go to the store and stock up on the popcorn!
BTW, I actually hope the riots start. I believe that the gun-owners of America are fed up with scum-suckers and this could be a turning point in our society. Guess I should start thinking about talking with my neighbors who own guns so I can borrow one. Just in case the "gimmes" turn elsewhere to loot.
Apparently, Martin’s DNA was NOT found on Zimmerman’s gun, according to the prosecution. This bombshell was mentioned on Nancy Grace’s show, so you gotta consider the source.
I will bet the defense only puts on a small handful of witnesses. They don’t want the devastation of the past week to the prosecution’s “case” to fade down a memory hole and leave everything up to closing statements.
He knows $ybrina is the poison pill to the case. $cheme Crump may choose to self destruct the case by having her do or say something stupid and purposely cause a mistrial. GZ will be tried until they get the result they want. They are evil.
I think the defense should rest and thank the prosecution for proving their case.
Now we get to see the English-speaking part of America and other normal people who don’t take footbaths in morgues.
The persecution is about to rest and so far they haven’t even provided proof that TM is dead... They haven’t even proven the most basic element of their case.
The defense will probably put on an abbreviated case recalling Diamond Eugene and Chris Serino, and possibly Ben Crump and Sybrina again, an actual medical examiner and some surprise witnesses, before putting on its experts who will pull all the disparate facts together for the jury who Bernie tried to put into a deep sleep Wednesday with his DNA expert.
I think this is exactly what the defense should do.
Put on so many positive witnesses for the defense, that by the time they're done, the jury can hardly even remember the prosecution's witnesses, except that they were weak.
There's also a much broader impact to this case. Literally millions of people across the country are watching the trial live.
By the time the defense is done, the entire country ought to be wondering why the hell this case was ever brought, and ought to clearly be able to identify that those who wailed for "justice for Trayvon" did so not for the sake of actually seeking JUSTICE, but solely because he was black and Zimmerman was "white."