Puh-leaze! Bush knew exactly was he was doing. He and his entire family are hard core Globalists that have done everything in their power to undermine our Constitutional Republic and the future of this nation. If Bush could have gotten away with it he would have rounded up every Third-world illiterate he could find south of the border and ship them up here by cattle car.
This naivety among conservatives is downright dangerous and is the reason our country is in so much peril.
That’s okay. I’m closer to your view than you think. There are still a lot of closet Bush supporters here. It’s not going to change their mind to get hit over the head with it, but mentioning it in a more non confrontational tone will wake them up so they won’t go all-in again for another globalist. At least I would hope not.
I regard the flooding of this nation with third worlders, to be the globalist tell. And so when I see our fair haired favorites going squishy on this one issue, it tells me volumes.
Folks must wake up and smell the stink-weeds when it comes to certain fair-haired favorites, political idols.