And those are the two problems.
I realize that not all Islamic adherents are going to do this sort of thing, but why would you import 100 of these people if you knew 3 were likely to be problematic.
Now these figures aren’t representative, they’re argumentative. I realize that, but the premise is sound.
Don’t immigrate more from terrorist states. Anyone that looks cross-eyed (if you catch my drift) jettison them out back home.
I don’t want to be xenophobic about any group, but you know what, I’m tired of my fellow citizens being set up to get slaughtered. If anyone can’t understand why, screw-em.
Agreed. It is suicidal for a Nation, Culture, and People to ignore facts.
The Muslims I personally know are great people - but their religious book, the book that they swear to follow, is full of hate, mayhem, and evil. The 'isolated' terrorists are just living out their religion.
Praise The Lord that he restrains the majority, but to invite people into your country who hold these 'values' is just importing poison into your country.