The Founding Fathers would be shooting by now.
The Founding Fathers would have started shooting a LONG time ago.
That’s the only solution barring a miracle from God. It’s completely broken and the people in position to fix it won’t because they made it this way.
Our Founding Fathers would have never had an income tax or IRS to begin with.
No, they would not. They are people just like you and me. They wouldn't and didn't start shooting until their lives were in jeopardy.
Remember before they started shooting they were for years randomly taken as slaves for the Kings navy. They couldn't buy bibles and had Regular army sleeping in their homes whom they had to feed. Those caught practicing a belief out side what was legally allowed was flogged often to death in front of the whole town. Church's were burned to the ground. They had no way for the king to hear their issues.
that is what broke the back they were being killed and ignored.