“Any gun purchased in Kansas, made in Kansas, has an effect on interstate commerce because it would have been bought from an out of state manufacturer if it wasnt bought in Ks.”
Not true. If Kansas permits the production of weapons that are otherwise banned by Federal law then they will be uniquely available in Kansas and not anywhere else. This cleverly obviates Wickard v. Filburn.
Kobach is a smart feller, and Holder is a fart smeller...
Anyway, Kobach helped write the law specifically to thwart precedent and it is intended to be challenged in court, and succeed.
Not true (or that is what the thug and his minions will argue). Since a short-barrel rifle, an "assault rifle" complete with bayonet lug and threaded barrel, and a pistol with a second grip all substitute for interstate firearms, they do (perhaps) affect interstate commerce. The good news is that this may give us a chance to challenge Wickard v. Filburn, one of the worst decisions by the Supremes that has not yet been overturned.
If only that were true. The Raich case, which was cheered by FR's drug warriors, closed that avenue.
Respondents Diane Monson and Angel Raich use marijuana that has never been bought or sold, that has never crossed state lines, and that has had no demonstrable effect on the national market for marijuana. If Congress can regulate this under the Commerce Clause, then it can regulate virtually anythingand the Federal Government is no longer one of limited and enumerated powers.
Justice Thomas, dissenting in Raich.
Government health-care will be expanded to regulate practically all personal activity. Everything from the chair you sit in to who you are allowed to have sex with.
Total control of everything is the goal and it will come so incrementally that nobody alive will even remember true freedom. I hope the system collapses before then...