Yesterday, as I was getting into my car in a grocery store parking lot, I noticed that the woman next to me, who was putting her bags into her trunk, had an Obama sticker on her back window. She was a big, fat, ugly white woman....not surprising, since the white women who support the Thug tend to be ugly as fried kidneys.
I tell you honestly, it was all I could do to restrain myself from screaming at her.
I know, it’s all I can do to keep from ramming their Priuses.... I always look to see which Bolshevik is driving and it’s almost always an upper-middle-aged, greying, with wiry hair sticking out and looking unclean, soul-less look in their eyes, unaware of their surroundings...
If I see a sticker next to me which is rare around here in this county then do say something.
The people with these stickers are simply stupid, they might as well have me for welfare stickers or me dumb and low info voter or me a racist , hate whitey voted for non white guy.
Got a black family once and I asked how could they support the party of KKK, segregation etc and they , well the old woman said they don’t want their food stamps and welfare cut
Look at the Dem oabma rallies and the women are ugly, hardly any wear a dress, , many have short hair which makes them look like a teen boy, compare to a our rallies where the women are classy ,stylish, nice looking and know how to present themselves.
Their men are either union fat thugs or pansy fairy guys.
My wife and I always play a game and now the kdis do it where we guess who is driving what as they head to the parking lot and who is the flaming liberal or Obama voter.
They like to drive little cars, or those damn Subaru’s for some reason, pick up tricks for many of them are too manly but I do get a kick out of seeing the go green vote blue sticker on a old gas guzzling SUV , I guess the irony is lost on them because they are that stupid