Posted on 04/27/2013 5:36:23 AM PDT by IbJensen
President Obama gave a speech slamming critics for trying to turn Planned Parenthood into a punching bag while notably avoiding the word abortion in the entire address.
The fact is, after decades of progress, theres still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century. And theyve been involved in an orchestrated and historic effort to roll back basic rights when it comes to womens health, Obama said.
Forty-two states have introduced laws that would ban or severely limit access to a womans right to choose laws that would make it harder for women to get the contraceptive care that they need; laws that would cut off access to cancer screenings and end educational programs that help prevent teen pregnancy, he continued. In North Dakota, they just passed a law that outlaws your right to choose, starting as early as six weeks, even if a woman is raped. A woman may not even know that shes pregnant at six weeks. In Mississippi, a ballot initiative was put forward that could not only have outlawed your right to choose, but could have had all sorts of other far-reaching consequences like cutting off fertility treatments, making certain forms of contraception a crime.
Obama called state efforts to reduce abortion an assault on womens rights.
When you read about some of these laws, you want to check the calendar; you want to make sure youre still living in 2013, he added, evoking laughter from the conference crowd at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington.
The president also used the event for a campaign-style pitch about the benefits of ObamaCare.
If Americans dont know how to access the new benefits and protections that theyre going to receive as we implement this law, then health care reform wont make much of a difference in their lives, Obama said. Weve got to spread the word, particularly among women, particularly among young women, who are the ones who are most likely to benefit from these laws. We need all the women who come through your doors telling their children, their husbands, and the folks in their neighborhoods about their health care options. We need all the college students who come through your doors to call up their friends and post on Facebook talking about the protections and benefits that are kicking in.
He apologized that he could not be at the party yesterday as he was still in Texas: I understand it was a little wild.
But as all of you know, obviously, weve gone through a pretty tough week and a half, and I was down in Texas, letting the people of West, Texas, know that we all love them and care about them in their time of grieving, Obama said, getting a round of applause from the crowd.
No matter how great the challenge, no matter how fierce the opposition, if theres one thing the past few years have shown, its that Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere. Its not going anywhere today, he said. Its not going anywhere tomorrow.
..."theres still those who want to turn back the clock to policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century."
Does Barky mean like having dirty clinics giving unsanitary abortions that put women's lives in danger and may involve infanticide?
Of course, PP doesn’t abort babies, it helps people plan their parenthood with women’s health procedures.....
“womens health”?
What health? The health of her social life after she has her child’s spine snapped?
Bunch of p*ssies love their supposed “right’ so much they take great pains never to even tell you how that “right” even works.
Gun owners will talk to you for DAYS about their guns and their philosophy regarding the 2nd amendment. These abortion nuts invent so many weasel words to hide what this is, you would think they were just getting a bikini wax.
You mean Obama didn’t mention the baby’s right to choose? When a woman becomes pregnant, her body no longer is just hers. She is sharing it with another person.
Words cannot describe my hate for him. The only abortion I would have liked would have been for his mother!
Some of the “benefits” of obamacare will be abortion, sex-”change” operations, and AIDS care, all free to the patient, and paid for by normal people.
Obama is the most vile nihilist ever to become President. The country will suffer long and hard for electing this dangerous narcissist.
Too bad his errant mother wasn’t a card-carrying member of PP. This nation would have avoided an even greater catastrophe than had already been slammed on us by his predecessors.
That just wasn’t In the cards. Had his mother’s mother aborted HER, that would have been a panacea.
They kill babies and call it “women’s health.” Apparently words can mean whatever you want them to mean.
Gosnell's abortion mill in Philadelphia employed policies more suited to Torquemada's Spanish Inquisition in the 1480s than the 21st century.
You can scream all day how you loathe the government, but if you support it financially 100% all the time, no matter what it does, you are loving it.
Forty years, fifty million babies. Moloch is obviously immune to hollow words. Especially from people who send it money, faithfully, predictably, in full.
If you want to stop the slaughter, stop paying. Do it legally: stop working.
If you really think abortion is murder, and our country has massacred on a level with Hitler, Stalin, and Mao — what personal hardship would you not endure to stop it?
Jeseus said to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s;he did not tell the people to stop work and live on the dole.And the Romans worshipped false goda and made sacrifices of humans.
One of us must be missing a point.
I believe we are supposed to follow God’s laws as best we can but pointless self-flagellation and sacrifice benefits the unborn how?
A far more worthy sacrifice would be giving a loving home and raising a child that would have been aborted.
Why would ANYONE expect OBONGO to mention the word”Abortion”while addressing Planned Parenthood?He doesn’t use the words”Acts Of Terror”.He doesn’t even use the word”Terrorists”to describe the practioners of same!!No pun intended,but it would(indeed)be refreshing to hear him call”A Spade A Spade”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not an abortion to Obama.
It’s an “Undesired Zygote Removal Contingency.”
The word “abortion” is now no longer acceptable and is classified as Hate Speech in the territories administered by the Obama Islamo/Socialist New World Order.
And I never suggested living on the dole. I don't pay income tax and I'm not on the dole.
I believe we are supposed to follow Gods laws as best we can but pointless self-flagellation and sacrifice benefits the unborn how?
Pointless what?? First of all I didn't suggest "self-flagellation," so please don't mischaracterize my argument. Secondly, depriving the government of the revenue to fund abortion is not pointless.
I can only imagine what you'd have advised Christian martyrs who readily DIED for the faith.
I'm not asking anyone to die or break laws. I'm saying, change the government by the only possible non-violent means: stop sending it your money. If enough people did that, abortion would end fast. That is the POINT you are striving to miss.
There is no more effective protest and correction of the godless government than to refuse to fund it.
Do you live where there are no property taxes?
You don’t own a car or home or personal property?A computer ?
Just exactly how can one (you)not pay taxes?
Every thing you buy has taxes ,even food in some states.
Actually living the faith strikes me as better than dying,to wit, if “they listen not,then leave that place,and shake the dust from your sandals as sign”.I can’t find the passage commanding “harangue and harass them until they believe”.
As a sectarian writer said:”a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”.
The One sent by God to atone has already been crucified;my seeking out such a death isn’t what I believe to be God’s will;NOT denying God if one finds oneself prisoned by evil is different.
I am too much a sinner to think my seeking out martyrdom would save anyone;indeed,it seems presumptious.
Do you send all your money beyond that necessary for meager rations to fund anti-abortion efforts?
Do you picket?
Vote for pro-life politicians?
Fund FR?
How you find money for any of those things would be an interesting story.
I shall repeat: I do not pay income tax and I am not on the dole.
But this is not about me and if you can't argue the thing on the merits, guess what?
Now getting back to Jesus. Let's say you were there and you said to him, "Jesus, the government is not forcing me to work, but they are taking my tax money and giving it to people who kill innocent babies. What should I do?"
Does Jesus say something closer to a or b:
a. You have to eat! Worry about food and raiment, give the tax man what he wants and don't think about what it enables him to do. Even mass murder of babies.
b. Sell your possessions, give your money to the poor, and follow me.
The One sent by God to atone has already been crucified;my seeking out such a death isnt what I believe to be Gods will;NOT denying God if one finds oneself prisoned by evil is different.
I am too much a sinner to think my seeking out martyrdom would save anyone;indeed,it seems presumptious.
Again mischaracterizing my message. I have not said anyone should seek death. (You are not in prison, either.) I have not said you should seek martyrdom.
It's telling, though, that you would brand living modestly as "martyrdom."
I have no wish to belabor this with an opponent of your caliber so I'll bid you a good and reflective day.
I am NOT understanding you.
You say stop paying taxes and live modestly but don’t care to explain how one may do so.
Fine,keep the secret to yourself;but then kindly stop giving the same unhelpful advice in multiple discussions.
Not understanding me? LOL. It ain’t rocket cuisine.
Cmon, quit embarrassing yourself. You know I’ve explained the “how,” and you know I’m right. :)
Anyway, if I posted helpful specifics, humblegunner would call me a blog pimp and I’m scared of him! No one here shall ever see a link to my site...from me!
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