You watch. This whole thing will come full circle at some point when they finally have their own ‘Gay Scouts of America’ org.
No one knows how to fight them using their own tools. Yeah, declare that you’ll allow “gay” scouts, and disallow pederasts!
How many lawsuits will Boy Scouts receive because Johnny Gayboy was passed over for leadership positions "because of his gayness"?
How are the other scouts going to feel about being forced to bunk with Gayboy?
Will he feel discriminated against because he has to tent by himself because of his condition?
Do the Boy Scouts really want to deal with this or is it just Nobama's butt-buddies on the board who think it all is just hunky-dory?
“The governing board of the Boy Scouts of America on Friday recommended ending the organizations ban on openly gay Scouts but keeping its prohibition on gay troop leaders.”
It’s almost as if the governing board is trying to follow in the footsteps of Justice Taney here. That is to say, it seems to me the board is offering a bad solution in the hopes that it will settle the bigger issue and make the controversy surrounding it go away. It won’t.
While I’m not always the biggest fan of Rush, he’s absolutely right about one thing; the left never stops pushing until they get what they want, and *everything* they want. All this recommendation has done is antagonize supporters of the BSA’s traditions. The folks who want the gay ban completely overturned will continue to push for it. Some on that side might even see it as a small victory, in the sense that the door, if not fully opened, is at least ajar, so to speak.
The national organization will be fractured in 5 years.