You may be correct on time not being on our side but the British had a lot of troops in America at the time of the revolution. And the Tea Party rallies in early 2009 seemed too little, too late but it quickly became a movement with some good results.
while I would like to turn back Obambi’s agenda it will not happen until we have a true American for president and more elected representatives.
The hope is that a big rally primarily in DC and in concert with other home town rallies will rejuvenate the tea party movement.
If we sit around we definitely know that nothing will happen.
[Mr] T
I'm not interested in rejuvenating the Tea Party movement. I'm interested in putting the fear of God into the traitors in Washington, and averting a bloody revolution.
I have little faith remaining in the system and our civil processes. Aside from a few very courageous individuals, nearly everyone we've sent to Washington has been compromised. Vote to get our country back? Surely, you jest.
Face reality. Your birthright has almost been completely stolen, and you're fast on your way to losing the very last vestiges of the freedoms your forefathers fought and died for. If you think you're going to reverse the situation with more peaceful rallies and getting out the vote, you're ignoring the tiger stalking you.