...”...and it’s Whitey’s fault for making me want it so bad!”
A woman who ran against the Democrat Sherriff in the primary in my county stated she would immediately balance the white/black ratio which is currently skewed to the black. His response was, “You know, releasing people because they’re not white would be illegal.” She didn’t win, but she was the only other one on the ticket. I don’t think there’s bee a Republican elected in this county since the nineteenth century.
The county to the North has a prison population that’s 100% black. They decided to send five whites from my county to help balance the situation. They didn’t last a week.
What a racist, no,, he’s a dagumed racist. What about doing the time for the crime?
Where is major hasan, Benghazi, Voter intimidation, Chicago, Fast and Furious? Come off it Holder you ignorant slut.
He is one of the “equal outcome, not equal opportunity” folks.