People who think that way, have low responsibility, and have chosen to be victims.
When our kids were still pre-school age, my wife and I were both wage slaves, and felt we had no option but to send our kids to public school when the time came. When the job I'd held for nearly a decade disappeared one day, I realized that the only security I had, was in myself. It was at that point that I decided to start my own business.
The first year was tough, but we made it to year two intact. The second year was nothing but asses and elbows, trying to get it 'right'. By year three, we really knew what we were doing, and began climbing in the local business community.
By the time our eldest was ready to start kindergarten, we were in a position to choose home schooling rather than public school. After giving the local kindergarten a try for some months, we saw that it was everything we feared it might be, and took our boy out.
Point is, if your kids are important enough to you, you can move mountains to keep them safe. If my wife and I could do it, anyone can. It just takes intention, dedication, and problem solving.
“not able to home school either from a financial or ability standpoint.
People who think that way, have low responsibility, and have chosen to be victims”
That may be the case for them, I don’t disagree with your assessment BUT the reality is most generally do wish their children would get a decent education. Sadly, a good number of children today are born into single parent households and they fit the description of financially unstable and intellectually reduced households. That does not mitigate their desire for decent educations. The system needs to be cleaned out top to bottom by getting rid of tenure, unions, and instilling school discipline. If a student choses not to cut it, kick them out, put them in reform schools or juvenile facilities but get the bums out. On the other hand, everyone home schooling their kids is not the answer IMO, it is avoidance.