In meeting with a Chinese driver, one of our weapons carriers was pushed over the bank. It ended up about 250 feet down from the road with the driver still in it, with his foot caught under the brake pedal. The Chinese that gathered around thought it was all a fun event, laughing mightily when we would toss equipment aside to get the driver out. They have very little concept for life evidently because they have such a high birth rate. The driver only had a sprained ankle and lots of bruises. In stopping at one convoy stop there were two Chinese boys, aged about 10-12, tied to a power pole and guarded by an MP. In asking what was going on, we were told that these two attempted to hold-up a 23 truck Army convoy. The reason we had them, in custody, was, if they were turned over to the Chinese MP's they would be shot We would hold them for a few days, feed them and let them go.