Gosnell is accused of committing third degree murder when he allegedly allowed an unqualified worker with only a 6th grade education to fatally overdose the 100-pound woman with Demerol a cheap drug that is no longer preferred due to its many documented complications. He also faces seven charges of first degree murder for his routine practice of snipping the spinal cords of newborn babies that were born alive during late-term abortions.
What in the world is a person with only a sixth grade education doing dispensing drugs to patients?
That would not be allowed in a Veterinary Clinic!!!
I forgot, we are talking about an abortion clinic. Anything goes...
Once he’s found guilty, someone needs to snip HIS spine.
Hey, wnat’s the prob with this?
This guy is only performing procedures that Obozo voted for in IL...
And we all LOVE Obozo, dontchaknow...
They didn’t exactly say, in law school, you should never ever get unhinged and shouting angry at the one person in the courtroom you really need on your side. But it kinda does seem obvious. Or maybe I just missed that class on “how to tantrum your way to victory in court.”
the facts in this case would and should make ayone scream.
Yelling at the judge is a sure fire winning technique./s
Judge Minehart on the right
Attorney Jack McMahon