Gosnell is accused of committing third degree murder when he allegedly allowed an unqualified worker with only a 6th grade education to fatally overdose the 100-pound woman with Demerol a cheap drug that is no longer preferred due to its many documented complications. He also faces seven charges of first degree murder for his routine practice of snipping the spinal cords of newborn babies that were born alive during late-term abortions.
What in the world is a person with only a sixth grade education doing dispensing drugs to patients?
That would not be allowed in a Veterinary Clinic!!!
I forgot, we are talking about an abortion clinic. Anything goes...
They'll be free to wander the city streets in old taxis selling abortions.
Might be they'll drive the price down so low it'll eliminate the medically trained abortionists out of the business, but it will also certainly make Gosnell look like a sanitation freak!
So, more pregnant women die horrible deaths while seeking the deaths of their children ~ hard to say how someone is supposed to feel about that. On the one hand, then on the other ~ it's a nasty business, and there's no doubt about it. Best way to avoid the various moral dilemmas of modern abortion is to stay out of the business.
The USSC did say gub'mnt couldn't regulate it back in Roe v Wade.