Roberts and Kennedy will side with the others.
Will Roberts find marriage a tax?
Evil “judges” will “side” with NO “Reason” in a law (unconstitutional) which ignores Natural Law and God’s Laws, the basis of the philosophy which is the foundation of our “Legal” system and “Rule of Law” (Higher Law than man-made up arbitrary law which is always unconstitutional.)
Scalia is always wrong on his stance that abortion can be “voted” in by a majority “mob” in the States. Science proves the fetus is alive and a human being, so by definition it has the Unalienable Rights which are our Natural Rights from God-—not from the State and no one can give that right away or steal it with “majority vote” from the babies-—no one. God is the Supreme Ruler in American jurisprudence-—His Standards-—His Laws are Universal Truths that have to be IN ALL AMERICAN LAW that is JUST LAW. Our Justice system is based on FIXED NATURAL LAWS——which unnatural evil acts of Sodomy can never be promoted in Just Laws.