Sorry pal, but you appear confused and may not belong posting on Free Republic.
Maybe it's the times (under 0bama), but I've noticed statements like this in the comments section of American Thinker on story after story. FR had more than its share, too.
The American Thinker is one of my favorite sites! I guess I don't mind people of whatever race/ethnicity stating what they really think because the snake I can see is not a danger.
It's the hidden snakes that are problematic.
First of all, I know nothing about "American Thinker" so can't comment.
But I do know that Free Republic is quite strict in setting and enforcing standards against extreme expressions, including racism.
So I disagree with your statement: "FR had more than its share, too."
Second, experienced posters come to understand where the lines are drawn, though some apparently enjoy testing limits, just to see how much they can get away with, without their posts being deleted.
And people who play such games need to understand that small differences in expression can make a big difference in whether it's accepted here, or not.
And different forums have somewhat different standards.
But more to the point precisely of Road Glide's post, he (assume he) slipped in a claim opposite of what conservative ideas are all about: RG posted that somehow "conservatism" is based in racism.
I'd call that a False Flag operator, and whether working for Storm Front or the DNC, don't know, can't guess, but it needed to be exposed and held up for what it is.
Of course, I didn't know RG would get zotted for it, doubtless Free Republic wants us to understand: they will enforce their standards.
So don't bring your crazy-talk here.
Maybe you could take it over to American Thinker, where it's said, they're a little more, ahem, "lax" in enforcing standards?