I don’t know, but I know that it was a scary and stupid remark for a presidential hopeful to make.
It is troubling that Romney nor anyone else can even define what he meant or who he meant, it almost sounds like some goofy Mormon mind mushiness, just sloppy confused thinking with no sense to be found in it.
Romney has a history of bizarre gaffes, pathological lying, and just making things up off the top of his head that he seems to believe, yet are insane.
It was edited selectivly out of context, so of course it was used like a weapon.
It is true, 47% are on either government employment or the welfare dole and don’t get politically moved by being offered tax cuts because they don’t pay taxes.
The above is the whole problem with America now. Everyone needs to pay some tax and have an interest in keeping taxes low since it would also hurt them, but some don’t pay anything and vote themselves the treasury.
Another main thing missing from many in our country is any sense of shame.