5.33pm GMT: A Catholic mass is now being held for Chavez, Virginia Lopez writes, officiated by Monsignor Mario Moronta, pastor Alexis Romero Valera and American civil rights leader the Reverend Jesse Jackson.
5.37pm GMT: Here's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kissing Hugo Chavez's coffin earlier,
5.49pm GMT; Jackson says life is uncertain, but a life of service matters. We pray to God that Chavez finds peace and acceptance for his service, he says. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog...-live-coverage
Rome - The Holy Mass in honor of the late President of Venezuela Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias will be held tomorrow Friday, March 8 at 7 pm in the Church of Santa Maria ai Monti, Via della Madonna dei Monti, 41, presided by Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, Archbishop of Caracas who is in Rome to attend the conclave that will elect the new Pope.This was communicated to Fides by Cardinal Urosa Savino himself and called on all Venezuelans to participate in the Eucharist. http://www.news.va/en/news/americave...-the-late-pres
CARDINAL Jorge Urosa Sabino, Archbishop of Venezuela, who is in the Vatican to participate in the conclave to appoint a new pope, announced that he will celebrate in Rome: A public Mass to pray for the eternal repose of President Chávez.
This, despite the fact that Chávez, who died this week aged 58, had a major falling out with the Church a few years back. According to this report, in 2008, he called Cardinal Urosa a troglodyte and warned the Vatican that, as long as the cardinal remained as archbishop of Caracas:
I will remain very far away from the Church. - http://freethinker.co.uk/2013/03/07/troglodite-catholic-cardinal-will-hold-a-public-mass-in-rome-for-late-venezuelan-president-hugo-chavez/
Chávez was a Catholic. He intended at one time to become a priest. He saw his socialist policies (Liberation Theology) as having roots in the teachings of Jesus Christ,[361] and he publicly used the slogan of "Christ is with the Revolution!"[362] He had some disputes with both the Venezuelan Catholic clergy and Protestant groups like the New Tribes Mission.[363][364] Although he traditionally kept his own faith a private matter, Chávez over the course of his presidency became increasingly open to discussing his religious views, stating that both his faith and his version of Jesus' personal life and ideology had a profound impact on his Liberation Theology. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugo_Ch%C3%A1vez#Personal_life
> clinging to Christ.
And the two billion dollars he stole.
Anyone who criticizes the Church on this one has never read the Bible and is not a Christian.
If Heaven is filled with the likes of Hugo Chavez then I’d rather go to Hell.
Only God knows...
If it was my call...he would be Satan boy toy...
Now why do I get the feeling that the ones calling loudest for Chavez to be eternally damned, would be the first to squawk at the idea of Purgatory....
Chavez, Kennedy, and lots of others. The church reaction to them on their death just seems wrong. I can understand why the Marxists such as Jesse, and Sean Penn et al would grieve, but why a church would want to put some kind of official stamp on an unrepentant brigand is beyond me. The RC does a lot of fine things, it seems this is not one of them.
RC believers, please explain this if you would. Before death, I can understand the attempts, after.........it just seems flat out wrong.
So others who are not Catholic can lead a mass, participate in a mass as a "priest," not just properly ordained Catholic priests?
Jackson says life is uncertain, but a life of service matters. We pray to God that Chavez finds peace and acceptance for his service
I believe God will deal with his "service" appropriately.
Here's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad kissing Hugo Chavez's coffin earlier
I think God will take note of that endorsement.
Cardinal Urosa Savino...called on all Venezuelans to participate in the Eucharist.
Is this an exception or are non-Catholics allowed to participate in the Eucharist at any time? I'm assuming that not "all Venezuelans" are Catholic. Or maybe for an event such as this, all Venezuelans are considered Catholic?
...he (Chavez) called Cardinal Urosa a troglodyte and warned the Vatican that, as long as the cardinal remained as archbishop of Caracas:
I will remain very far away from the Church.
Would that automatically put him "very far away" from God?
Chávez was a Catholic.
Oh, OK.
Chávez over the course of his presidency became increasingly open to discussing his religious views, stating that both his faith and his version [oh my, that is interesting] of Jesus' personal life and ideology had a profound impact on his Liberation Theology.
Well if it wasn't for "his version" I would imagine that the "impact" would have led Chavez to denounce his un-Godly belief in Liberation Theology. Nice to see he goes along with Obama's mentor and pastor, the "Reverend" Jeremiah (God d*** America) Wright, and Obama's beliefs also.
Commie Chavez was a cancerous tumor in the breast of the Church, meybe...
>>>>The source in Venezuela told CNA that during the last weeks of his life, Chavez requested spiritual direction and asked to receive the sacraments. <<<<
Faced with his impending death Hugo Chavez requested spiritual direction and asked to receive the Sacraments, one of which is reconciliation/absolution.
However poorly he lived his faith in Jesus, he did profess such a faith in Him and on his deathbed did come to the Church before he died.
That is enough to have a Catholic funeral. The funeral is the final prayer for the soul of someone, not an endorsement nor a golden ticket to heaven.
The Church did exactly what it is to do by praying for the repose of his soul. Is there something wrong with that?
God will do the right thing. I think the church should shut up.
I sure hope Cardinal Urosa is not a leading candidate to be the next pope.
38 There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the jews.
39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: Arent you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!
40 But the other criminal rebuked him. Dont you fear God, he said, since you are under the same sentence? 41 We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.
42 Then he said, Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.[d]
43 Jesus answered him, Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.
Nah, he lived and died in the sphincter of satan.
It’s not like he did something evil like going to Latin mass or believing in Transubstantiation.
It’s not like he did something evil like going to Latin mass or believing in Transubstantiation.
In a few moments Monkey Boy will getting his 1st Hades communion (burnt toast) from Satan. Bon appetit mofo!!!!
I don’t think Chavez worshiped any other but himself.