The Boob twins are at it again. McCain just go away.
They must love being demonized and blamed for everything by their new dinner companion. Wimps and cowards.
These two clowns need to just shut up and eat the free lunch Barry gave to them.
While Rand Paul conducted a filibuster to defend our Constitutional rights, Graham & McQueeg dined with the usurper of our freedoms. Bastards.
I guess this makes the divorce final and the civil war is fully under way. I know which side I’m on. I’m on the side that won’t kill me with a missile by pushing a button in Washington.
Can you circle two wagons?
I suggest Freepers log into the Washington Times and add comments to McLame and Miss Lindsey.
McCain: “I don’t like the Rand filibuster because it sets a precedent that requires us to actually voice our citicisms of the nominee rather than hiding behind procedural fluff. If I’m perceived as a racists or hypercritical, my constituency may stop voting for me and I’ll be out of a cushy, do-nothing job!”
The nice weather is coming. Time for the Tea Party to take to the streets again. Right around tax time would be good.
McLame (RINO-AZ) and Grahamnesty (POOFTER-SC) are upset only because Paul stepped on the “news” of their pigout last night w/ B. Hussein at the ritzy Trough ‘N Brew restaurant.
Stuff it, RINOs.
Whoever runs against lil’ Lyndsey in SC is going to get a donation from me. Possibly the largest I’ve ever made. It is a crime to have such a pantie waste in the great conservative state of South Carolina. Much like Cruz in Texas, we need to get the right kind of conservatives in those seats and not waste them on turncoats.
These men are statists. They may choose to wear a “Republican” badge at election time, but they have no idea what a republic is.
What a pair of traitor twits.
Less than ridiculous... USELESS.
Limbaugh is tearing them up right now and he should.
McCain is literally the most treacherous, vile, spineless fool I have ever seen.
Last night I finally felt we had a chance for liberty again. Not this current cesspit of control-freak laws and mindless regulations that strangle the free human soul.
McCain is demon - and Lindsey Graham, well.. we all know what sad, weak sissy he is.
I stand with Rand.
McCain and Gramnesty are getting hammered on Twitter:
How precious.
one has a live boy in the closet and the other has a little problem with savings and loan cash..... those FBI files sure come in handy , don’t ya think?