DOMA is probably already dead. They just have to make the announcement. This is just like DADT. Now that they will open up surveys to perverts things will slant even more in their favor.
The DADT survey was only open to a select few unlike all the other useless surveys they are constantly doing which are almost always 100%.
not one combat unit guy I know who is still serving got that pathetic survey, I did however see it posted on here and it was a joke.
Most of the survey;s went out to family of military personal of which the republican conservarive President can say the thing was flawed, the survey bogus, it was done for political gain for those in the military and for political gain to the special interests.
There has been lawsuits, disrupt of military law and respect for law, there has been distruptions and that is the truth as I;ve spoken to a couple who has seen it first hand cross dressers in Afghanistan and openly serving homosexuals acting like if they;re on a freak parade.
DOMA will be with the courts and that should go states rights though this admin will overturn the fed part I;m sure and which we had better win and overturn again.
Hell overturn everything what thye have done to the miltiary, a once proud unit of morals, respect, hard work is now being put out as if it were a social civvy life.
Have you seen the pathetic AD for the marines?
The black guy is a marine, is is walking down the road and then into uniform and then showing him helping to give aid somewhere in the world.
now compare the Ryal British marine commando’s AD’s where women are not allowed to be in it and here is one of their AD’s/
even our marines where a guy only needs to do two pulls ups as become a joke, and only 3 pull ups for the final test.
Sorry but the miltiary has beocme a joke, women ion combat, cross dressers wearing dresses, homosexuals acting as if they were on a freak parade and acting all sissy and girlie,
it;s a pathetic joke which is not even hard to get into
just been going over the other Royal marine AD’s and all of them show guns, fighting and say it;s hard and donpt bother applying if you can;t ahndle this and waste our time.
Looked at our AD’s and they;re a frigging joke, a marine is a fighting unit not some social justice gving aid crap which the AD;s show today.
Obama has ruined this military and thought the marine Gneral has stod firm and oposed him and it seems a few other Generals have as they;ve stepped down though the media won;t show that there is however some career minded Generals and PC promotions who have just been yes men to this socialist and all of those should be rememered for this crap