This was the plan all along, to push everyone into single payer and put the insurance companies out of business.
We gotta pass the bill so we can see what’s in it!...............I don’t like what I see............
Bingo. You are absolutely correct. These rates and declining doctor participation rates will destroy health care for the masses and they will demand that the government DO SOMETHING. Obama and his minions will then establish National Health Care after their dream of the British system. The media will report the wondrous gift from Dear Leader and suppress any bad news.
Correctamundo! And the stupid short-sighted insurance companies fell for it.
By 2025 third world health care, will feel like home for the majority of Americans. We’ll be like Africa, China, India, Mexico and all other utopias citizens of the world immigrated from. No more “racist, greedy America.”
Globalism promises a rush to the bottom, so the serfs can compete for a piece of the global pie...or a cup of rice and a 300 sq foot flat.
And the insurance companies supported their own doom. Idjits.
Why should they be in a hurry to do this? All families who pay the $20,000 and even more for better plans will be be paying the freight for (subsidizing) those who pay no Federale income tax which is now a bit less than half the population and whom 85% are Obama voters. You can also call Obama care a reparations and wealth transfer scheme. 0-Care is in effect another taxation scheme in that money will be taken from the producers and given to the non-producers for their medical care
Exactly. Spot on.
This tracks with what I am seeing. 2012 is the baseline year where everyone’s income is captured via tax form and the also employer share of health insurance via W-2. It will be coded “DD” in box 12. When I see amounts like 16,400 I know someone has a family plan. Figure they are paying about 4k for their share, hopefully out of pre-tax dollars, and there you have $20k.
NOW ... look at that cost versus what the company would pay as a penalty if they DIDN’T offer healthcare and you will soon figure out that the gubermint will be the only game in town. Welcome to the DMV of healthcare.
Oh, and you can be sure that 20k price tag includes coverage for all the special interests: acupuncture, universal contraceptives, karma adjustments, etc.