The “Latino” lobbying groups who push for this always seem to forget that there are more than Latin Americans in the illegal immigration numbers. There are millions of illegal immigrants from Asia, over a million from Africa, about half a million from Europe, etc. Do these folks get amnesty or is the amnesty candy only given to people from Latin America? I ask this because their assumption is that illegal immigration is only from Mexico in particular or Latin America as a whole. When I ask this question of the Amnesty pimps, I get a blank stare because it never occurred to them that there is such a thing as an illegal immigrant from places other than Latin American countries.
Once Amnesty is a fact, groups other than Latinos that tend to vote socialist to a large degree will be identified and included. The only way the Democrat party loses is if the immigration tide from Latin America swells to the level that a new and competing Socialist Party supplants the Democrat Party in the vote. The USA, of course, loses, no matter what.