Here we go.....
I’m sure liberal men would send their womenfolk out late at night to deal with prowlers, too.
If women want to be treated equally, then, there should be nothing to stop them.
Then, they had better be equal in all respects and capacities. For example, they had better be able to carry a wounded soldier of about 165 pounds on their shoulder for about 100 years, or whatever is the requirements lately. No dumbing down, and no downgrading of the requirements. War is war, and nobody gets a break when in battle.
My daughter is 22. She has never fired a gun. All her life all she had to do was say “DAD! Shoot that SOB!” SOOOO...if they draft her I am certain of what she will say....
I remember being marched through the Oakland induction center with about 5,000 other guys when registered for the draft in 1966. I can’t wait to hear the squawking when the gals are ordered to come in and get their physicals so they can be classified.
That is to say, old maids being groomed to be rear-eschelon officerettes like Janice "light-fingers" Karpinskithe shoplifting general who gave us Abu Ghraib. Such are not the country-girl grunts and inner-city chicks who would actually get shot at, who oppose sending girls like themselves into combat 8-1 or more.
No, my girls won’t be registering for anything. They don’t belong to the state.
What’s so interesting is that the people who seem to be clamoring for women in combat, and a return of the Draft are the exact ones who rioted against the Draft in the 60s.
They can register my daughters right after they register my guns.
Incidentally, Schmitz, as the nominee of the American Independent party, ran against President Richard Nixon that same year and netted more than a million votes.
Where’s “Walks like a ducks” Selective Service registration card?
Oh yeah....HAHAHAHAHA! Quacks like a duck can’t produce an egg, let alone a card.
I always look to a former USAF E4 for heavy thinking on national security could we go wrong???
I say Sasha & Malia should set the tone & be the first to register for selective service.
Selective Service Law REQUIRES Illegal Immigrants to register for Selective Service. In researching the stats a couple years ago, the registration for Illegal Immigrants is near ZERO compliance compared with approx 95% compliance for American Citizen Males and Legal Residents. Illegal Immigrants and Legal Residents are REQUIRED to register if living in the US for more than a year (unless a treaty with their government does not allow SService registration). Failure to do so (even if older than 25, but was living here during the registration age and failed to register) has consequences for the AMERICAN CITIZEN, LEGAL RESIDENT, and Illegal Immigrant. No Federal Benefits, Student Loans, Federal jobs, and if a Legal Resident or an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT, MAY PREVENT CITIZENSHIP.
What the Heck does the Illegal Immigrant Lobby not understand about that? American citizens and Legal Residents are required to follow the LAW but here’s another LAW Illegal Immigrants can thumb their nose at and get REWARDED.
This is shameful to even suggest it. A civilized country wouldn’t even think of such a concept.
But there is NO WAY IN HELL I was strong enough to be on the front lines in a war situation. I can face reality, I'm built differently. The world is upside down. I understand the point that if women are going to be on the front lines, they should have to register with selective service. But they shouldn't have to register because they shouldn't be on the front lines! My daughters WILL NOT be drafted! If one of my daughters were drafted and faced a front line deployment... I don't know what I'd do!
I’m sure all those illegal men and women (dreamers too) will be going down to register.
Phyllis Schlafly warned about this over 40 years ago when the crybaby-libhags were moaning about “equality.”
If Obama is going to have a totalitarian state, he will need a means to control and indoctrinate all the young people, not just the men. The draft is the perfect way to do it. This whole thing seems to be happening with increasing speed. Health care, EPA/CO2 regulations, gun control, food stamps, student loans, immigration, and now the draft.