it’s NOT just the assemblywoman pushing this it’s ALSO soem republicans and cuomo who is [pushing htis= cuomo is hoping to ‘look presidential’ by ‘leading hte nation’ on gun control- forcing kids to stay in school loner- longer days, longer school year- and forcign peopel to eat and drink what he deems fit for us-
Heaqlth officials are ALREADY required to ask citizens if they’ve ‘ever felt liek harmign htemselves or others’ AND whether ‘there are any weapons in the home’
New Yorkers if you are readign htis- you need to prepare yourself to be asked this and to respond ot hte health official “That’s personal and you have no right askign me that’ where I live, I was asked that and it caught me off guard and I like a dummy answered that there were guns in the home- and now my hosuehold is on record as ownign a gun.
In New York you will soon be required to divulge to health officials that you own or have a gun in home- and they will order a mental heaLTH exam at regular intervals apaprently.
This bill, which is expected to pass, is nothign more than a GUN GRAB- They can’t take your guns away based o nthe constitution, so they are goign to take htem away based on ‘mental health concerns’ to be determined by biased anti-gun health officials
I was asked that question several years ago when I went to a new Dr. in CA. I just told them that had nothing to do with healthcare. Also they asked a lot of other personal questions I refused to answer. I have been warning people not to answer those questions ever since.