They must have decided to sacrifice their company for this cause. They can’t keep up $1.3 million/day for very long.
Hope we can make something of their martyrdom.
Hobby Lobby could go along and compromise, then they would have to live with the fact they denied their faith. They could sell out and take the money, live nicely, still with faith but with no sacrifice. Option 3, which they have chosen, is to continue to live their faith fully, sacrificing and being faithful to the end. The scriptures shows us a similar example in Daniel. He could have kept his doors shut and prayed, he could have followed the edict and not prayed, but he chose option 3, open the windows and let everyone know where he stood by praying openly to God. He was ready for the consequences and triumphed. Thanks to Hobby Lobby for being a faithful example to those who are watching.
They should just ignore the fines. Don't pay them, but keep paying for insurance for those employees who have been getting it all along. When the govt tries to shut them down, get REAL public with how their employees DO have insurance, and how many people will be out of work because of the government's political agenda, which is contrary to the Constitutional rights of the owners of the company.