Funny how Diane Frankenstein had her Assault Weapons Ban already done in her top drawer ready to roll...almost like they were waiting for a crisis not to go to waste...
Anyone hear there was reference to Sandy Hook in the Batman movie? And that Susan Collins, author of the Hunger Games, lives in Newtown, Ct?
That is how Kali got their assault rifle ban.
They made the bill up (which also included lever action rifles till it was found out), then they released Pat Purdy from the mental institutions and he passed California’s waiting period for a handgun, bought a rifle in Oregon, then shot up the school ground at Stockton, the bill was rushed through and people suddenly found themselves criminals in their own homes.
Wham bam, done.
First off, let's not be rude, and make sure we use their proper names: it's Diane Frankenfeinstein.
In that very top drawer were her very own semi-automatic gun(s) and ammo, which rumour has it, just as with many conservatives, met a tragic boating accident some months or years ago. So sad, I believe her ammo went down as well.
Or they were in on it with Lanza...
Someone should ask her why she didn’t do this when senate and house side of congress was rat controlled from 08-10 .
Hell they even had the White House.
They can play all the BS agenda games they want. This is the way to lose senate side and keep congress in 2014 by going after cosmetic and capacity features on firearms.
Doom on Obama Inc ....and his presstitutes and polidiots !
I have an assult weapons ban, too...I won’t let large screw drivers in the door! Motorcycles, too!
.....And wait untl it lands up in the courts.
In her Dec 17 press release she even admitted as much:
I have been working with my staff for over a year on this legislation,
She even admitted she’d been working on it for a year.