1 posted on
12/28/2012 8:04:47 PM PST by
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To: expat1000
2 posted on
12/28/2012 8:05:49 PM PST by
To: expat1000
Hell my kids take credit when the dog does it.
To: expat1000
Oh — I thought you were talking about Obama, Reid, and Boenher
4 posted on
12/28/2012 8:11:54 PM PST by
Scrambler Bob
(Honk Honk - I am the Goose that laid the Golden Eggs - so far ....)
To: expat1000
6 posted on
12/28/2012 8:12:14 PM PST by
("O Thou who changest not, abide with me.".......)
To: expat1000
In Germany, everybody fahrts in their cars.
8 posted on
12/28/2012 8:12:43 PM PST by
(U.S. elections have become nothing but another cheap ripoff of American Idol.)
To: expat1000
Half the fun of having siblings was the ability to pass gas and plead innocence. Even though my uncontrollable giggle would often give me away. LOL!
9 posted on
12/28/2012 8:13:24 PM PST by
To: expat1000
And to think we’re not prosecuting abortionists.
10 posted on
12/28/2012 8:13:33 PM PST by
Gene Eric
(Demoralization is a weapon of the enemy. Don't get it, don't spread it!)
To: expat1000
‘Fess up, Dad. As we all know, “He who smelt it, dealt it.”
13 posted on
12/28/2012 8:16:19 PM PST by
(.....Iraq Invasion fan since '91.)
To: expat1000
14 posted on
12/28/2012 8:16:32 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: expat1000
Wow, that’s sad and uncalled for. My family would have a really good laugh over someone farting in the car.
To: expat1000
Hmmmm, in my day the rule was “he who smelt it dealt it.”
This guy reminds me of the time I saw a father of a young boy, not more than 5 years old, get very mad at the kid because he couldn’t get his kite to fly. Some people just shouldn’t be parents.
19 posted on
12/28/2012 8:18:43 PM PST by
(Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation)
To: expat1000
20 posted on
12/28/2012 8:18:52 PM PST by
("Blazing Saddles" explains it all.......)
To: expat1000; a fool in paradise; Slings and Arrows
When I was a kid I always blamed it on the bossa nova.
25 posted on
12/28/2012 8:23:54 PM PST by
Revolting cat!
(Bad things are wrong! Ice cream is delicious!)
To: expat1000
Austin Davis is a real smartfeller.
26 posted on
12/28/2012 8:24:45 PM PST by
(Obama fascism article:(http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/05/barack_obama_the_quintessentia_1.html))
To: expat1000
Hokay.... WTF?
Gas is a natural process. What is dad going to do? Spank the intestinal symbiotes that actually produced the gas?
I jumped all over son-in-law about a grandkid knocking over a glass.
Grabbed SIL and dragged him to the garage and we smoked cigarettes and I asked if they had been buying new clothing for the boy because he was outgrowing stuff so fast?
The kid's arms are growing faster than his brain can adapt. Mistakes are going to happen! Explain to the child why it happened and suggest ways to game the process. Yelling at them accomplishes nothing.
I wish I had a do over on raising my own kids, for the stupid mistakes I made, but daughter says I'm making up for it with the grand-kids. And the sometimes vocal common sense I offer.
To: expat1000
So this guy might be able to discipline Barney Frank?
Quick, Capitol Police. Hire!
39 posted on
12/28/2012 8:44:02 PM PST by
(http://junipersec.wordpress.com (Vendetta))
To: expat1000
Confess to your butt snorings or prepare to get whipped!
40 posted on
12/28/2012 8:44:02 PM PST by
To: expat1000
46 posted on
12/28/2012 9:08:16 PM PST by
To: expat1000
Whoever smelt it , dealt it.
47 posted on
12/28/2012 9:08:55 PM PST by
(1/20/13 End of an Error.)
To: expat1000
I farted in church once and had to sit in my own pew.
50 posted on
12/28/2012 9:19:05 PM PST by
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