As I recall the soccer game was to take place on Friday or Saturday....did it? Did he attend? Did he stalk?
I believe this is the time to threaten the pastor with the same stalkking kind of treatment. He has decided to make himself a public figure and now has opened himself up to that(if what he is claiming is that the governor is a public figure). Same goes for the idiot union thug that belted Steven Crowder. Conservatives had better learn to take off the gloves and fight as dirty as their opponents.
Sounds to me that there may be churches that need to have their finances looked over by the government, and their tax exempt status threatened...
Oh, wait a minute... Sorry, I forgot, it’s only conservative Churches where this sort of thing happens... Funny how leftists never whine about “church & state” when it’s leftist preachers and churches preaching their gospel of death. See “the reverend” Emmanuel Cleaver.
Gee, since all that “Christian love”, that was evoked by that pastor, is a matter of record, here are the words I leave for the Governor of Michigan:
“I was fearful for my life, and the life of my daughter.”
May the moment that births such words never come to pass, for them.
Yes, that pastor is a community agitator, and not, a messenger of the ‘book of peace’.
“you won’t get no rest,” Williams said.”
So, the Gov will get plent of rest.