Actually Speaker Boehner was alot more successful than any other prominent Republican, conservative or otherwise, in the 2012 election. The GOP won about 53% of the House seats. He is trying to avoid a complete Democrat dictatorship come 2014. Unfortunately the GOP lost the tax debate because the majority of this country envies the rich. It is a losing proposition and I hope he can successfully deflect it and loss of the House.
If you want to feel better, forget how conservatives threw away a reasonable change to tie up or take the Senate ...
What Boehner needs to do is propose a law that forces the white people to pay back the black Americans for all the suffering they caused them during slavery. Even better, outlaw 100% the extracting of oil ANYWHERE on US soil. That would sure help the republicans maintain the power in the House in 2014.
There's a lot Boehner could do to out left the democrats. You make some wonderful points!
It's no wonder the conservatives lost the Senate for the Republicans, as you said. If only they could just be more like Arlen Spector.