My kid wanted to be a physical therapist.
I’d jokingly told her “Imformation Extraction Specialist/Interrogation Technician” was the proper job designation.
I once asked my physical therapist if he graduated from the Auschwitz School of Physical Therapy! ;^)
Information Extraction Specialist/Interrogation Technician
I can’t say the sounds extracted from me during Pain-Torture sessions rise to the level of information, but your job title is more accurate than the real thing.
I’m sorry for your loss. No parent should have to go through that. I always tell my kids the most dangerous thing they do every day is driving a car, and I’m overprotective by most standards in that regard.
We have been blessed so far. Six kids, and the problems have been very minor (especially when compared to the problems I gave my parents.) Today my daughter (2nd-oldest, age 17) is taking her longest solo drive so far for a campus visit (and for an excuse to see her big brother). It’s 3 hours each way, so I’m praying a bit extra today. (She made it there - just the return trip left.)