Good. And, I cannot listen to Sean anymore: his calling Rove “the Architect” makes me sick.
Rove is the Marty Scottenheimer of politics. Overhyped and as likely to deliver a loss as a win at crucial moments with his Dem-clone nonsense.
Is Hannity crying on his show tonight over the firing of his good buddy Rove.
Rove and Bush belong on the trash heap of political history, these two sock puppets destroyed any cred the GOP had on fiscal responsibility.
Rove ran a search and destroy mission on any elected GOPer who would not tow the line on Bush’s bloated spending.
Obama is merely an extension of Bush’s grotesque spending and being a lacky of the Lobbies and now zombie banks (nationalized).
This is who runs the USA, right into the indentured crapper.
Good. And, I cannot listen to Sean anymore: his calling Rove the Architect makes me sick”
Have ANY of you naysayers EVER seen a negative comment about a liberal on DU ort any lib outlet? No? Well that must mean that libs are all correct 100% of the time.
If that’s the case, we should all switch parties.
We spend more time lambasting our own than in fighting for our positions. You idiots should be ashamed.
Is Jemu [sp?] really better than Laura Ingraham? Is Colmes better than Hannity? Is liberalism better than conservativism?