If Bob Costas didn’t have his head up his @$$, he would be able to breath.
Disgusting use of a tragedy to make a pandering political statement...
But it’s NBC, so it’s to be expected...
If Bob Costas wasn’t a shameless liberal thug, he would have some decency & not try to politicize a sad time.
But, wait, these are leftists-—so being morally bankrupt is just another day at the office
If Ted Kennedy didn’t possess a car...
And if Costas wasn’t such a committed Lie-beral, we might get some real dialog on the real problem here.
Case in point: Local fish wrap and birdcage liner doing its annual beg-a-thon for those in need was highlighting a former postal worker and “single mother of 3”. What struck me is that she and her “babies” had FOUR different surnames. I understand in this age of woman’s glib that some women choose to retain their birth surname after marriage, but each of the children had different surnames.
Sounds like her baby daddies didn’t have the desire (or ability?) to maintain any kind of relationship with their progeny after the fact.
IMHO, it’s stories like this that are met with a shrug by the general public (instead of an any kind of shame) that are behind crap like the tragedy in Kansas City.
And if Nicole Simpson had posession of a gun she might be alive today!
Oh, wait...
Ask O.J. about that, willya?
If Bob’s significant other had a gun, we might not have to listen to his drivel.
"If Bob Costas didn't wear a toupee he wouldn't have hair."
If Kasandra Perkins had one, She would likely still be alive.
NBC = Nothing But Crap
minority sports figures just shouldn’t own guns, everybody else is ok with them
Costas is an idiot. Like the guns caused the fatalities. Just ridiculous. An NFL player could have killed his gf how many different ways without a gun? The gun had nothing to do with it. I just got done with deer season here. I got a deer to have my family have meat for dinner until February. That’s a big savings in my budget. My gun DID NOT kill your gf. Your actions did. Jeeesz!
Knows a little about sports and nothing about our rights.
Because Jovan be too stupid to use a knife, Bob?
If Jovan did not play in the NFL, Kassandra would still be alive. Maybe. How many guns are in circulation in the US and have never been used to kill a girlfriend?
So if Jovan Belcher threw Kassandra Perkins out a window I guess Bob Costas would feel better.
Gloria Bunker Stivic: Do you know that sixty percent of all deaths in America are caused by guns ?
Archie Bunker: Would it make you feel any better, little girl, if they was pushed out of windows ?
Why don’t we hear if homosexuality was outlawed, there wouldn’t be AIDS.