“I say, replace McConnell with Paul, and Boner with Newt (Speaker doesnt have to be a CongressCritter.
I like Newt as Speaker just because it would shift the paradigm, and Obama admin would be stunned.
But right now McConnell and Boehner are doing fine.”
If they were doing fine we would not have stolen defeat from the jaws of victory in the 2012 election. They would not have caved before the democrats lies in the 2011 budget debates.
If the left dominate the information distribution systems then the only way to prove a point is to do it. If they want to play chicken with shutting down the Government then shut down the government! Let people see the truth with their own eyes that it is NOT anarchy, nor even a real shutdown.
But instead a nessary mesure to impose some level of fisicial discipline. What is NOT nessary is to have the Federal Government running 100% 100% of the time.
All caving in on the budge debate did was reinforce that notion in people. IE increased people’s preserved dependence upon a big spending federal government!
“Boehner and McConnell are worthless liabilities as republicans. They accomplish nothing but lose ground to untested lies.”
And your contribution to the process is ????
To judge people on what you read or hear other people say... very nice. You have no idea how to deal with people that lie to you or deal dishonorably... and hindsight is 20/20.