It was at that point that I realized that any election voting coming out of these areas was meaningless other than to steal elections. The moral shallowness is shocking. Ethics are nothing to the urban dwellers.
I notice that the Washington Examiner delicately avoids posting Clarence’s picture, and instead posts the picture of a white man (director of the Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation) talking about the problem of test fraud.
It isn’t hard to make the decision that one feels the public school system is an utter and complete failure. It’s intention, from the START and based on Dewey’s teachings, was the destruction of our system of government and to use our children to do it. Well, now it has come to fruition and most of us are scratching our heads and wondering “How did this happen?”
It’s not too late to change it, but the people must do it. If the government won’t abolish the Dept. of Ed and forbid federal interference, then it is incumbent on the states to exercise their 10th amendment rights and REFUSE any input from them, AND the damn money. State universities should be made to do away with degrees in “education” and all control of the schools should be local. Kick out all interference by the unions; make ALL elementary schools “neighborhood” schools; make the intelligent assumption that not ALL kids should go to college and re-vamp the technical and vocational schools. Re-introduce the basics and do away with “multi-cultural” garbage.
We know what needs to be done. Who has the courage to do it?
Private or home school your children before it is against the law.
Public schools won't even teach about the founding fathers of our country because they are White people. Political correctness is killing our country....very rapidly. It's measurable by the number of people who vote for Democrats.
Didn’t they learn anything from Atlanta’s fiasco?
A relatively easy way to stop this type of cheating is to take a thumbprint of the test taker and compare it with the applicant.
“The pressure of passing the test could make people do things they normally would not do” So, it is the fault of the test for leading and causing these folks to cheat, is it? Poor things. Victims again.
Odungo would say, I would want a teacher just like him
Photo ID is important for testing teachers too are they going to go after 15 years of back taxes?
I’m a bit confused by this, because when you take a PRAXIS, they do require you to have photo identification WHEN YOU SIGN IN and AS THEY PASS TESTS out. Don’t see how this could be happening unless the ETS employees were in on it too.
Of course, I’m the type of teacher that passes the PRAXIS above the 85% percentile and gets a shiny little excellence certificate with my scores.