The US economy grew like a weed on steroids in the 1950s and 1960s when we had both of those things. So your point is?
Are you forgetting that major European economies and manufacturing were destroyed during WW 2?
American manufacturers were up and running strong after the war building the machines to restore Europe so our economy grew. It was during that period of growth that the takers affixed themselves like a leach to suck the blood out of our economy.
Please see post 51.
>>The US economy grew like a weed on steroids in the 1950s and 1960s when we had both of those things. So your point is?<<
Don’t you know we should go back to the 1950’s and 1960s? The good old days. Them darkies knew their place. Them Pat Boone and Elivs, what a degenerate bunch of characters. And we didn’t have many of them thar hippies. No wasting time on this internet thingy.
If them economics was good enough for my grandpappy, then it is good enough for us!