So,what difference does it make now? Obama was born to a Kenyan and was elected. I’m not sure but I think there is a Supreme Court decision regarding this. Anyway, Chester Arthur was our 21rd president - check him out. His father, was born in Ireland, and even though he left office after becoming president when James Garfield was assassinated, he only made a half attempt at winning the nomination - even though he came into office as the least trusted politician - he left with high praise from friend and foe.
Some of you think you know more than what you do.
What difference does it make now?
It is called the rule of law, without which, you have anarchy.
Two wrongs don’t make a right, unless you’re a Democrat, in that case you are on the wrong site.
As for Chester Arthur, the records proving his father’s foreign birth were not available until well after Arthur was out of office.
There is evidence that Arthur deliberately hid these facts, as it was rumored at the time of his running that he was ineligible, but it could not be proven.
Sorry, but after the Kenyan, there is no way i would support Rubio.
At some point, the corrective course of action must be made, and the law upheld.