With these two tools, the unions can forge the signatures of enough employees to force the unionization of any company without the consent of anybody.
This time next year, we'll all be paying union dues to the Democrat slush fund.
Bring on the collapse.
“Obama is about to give the unions card check, and the NLRB is about to force companies to turn over the names and addresses of all their employees.”
Obamacare also was design to add about 21 million new union members from among health workers. http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/19/book-obamacare-law-designed-to-unionize-21-million-health-care-workers/
The union’s “investment” in Obama has paid off handsomely—largely at OUR expense with a little collateral damage on workers such as those previously employed at Hostess.
As a business owner who has about 275 employees its a scary thing to know that a card check program could kill my 108 year old business. I was told by my Father who fought the teamsters back in 1973 and won the strike against our company to just close it if it ever got reorganized by the unions again. Today at age 88 years of age he holds the same point of view.
Obama will destroy the family and small business person in America. I have never wanted to sell our business but it might be time to do so. Why worry about 275 employees and their families when I just have to worry about my 8 members of my family.