If we're ever going to reach Hispanic Roman Catholics, it's going to be over social issues like abortion.
Social issues are a major part of what led white evangelicals out of the Democratic Party and into the Republican Party. Social issues are a major part of what led ethnic Catholic blue collar workers in Northern industrial cities to become “Reagan Democrats.”
Frankly, if we really have become a country of “takers” rather than “makers,” we need to appeal to the votes of people who are willing to consider something else to be more important than their pocketbooks.
Religious values have proven their ability to do that in the past.
Next time, let's try to get a candidate who actually believes the religious values he claims to affirm.
The odd comments of many bishops to the contrary notwithstanding, socialism, homosexuality, and abortion are anathema to the Catholic faith. Conservatives in general, and particularly Protestant conservatives, must learn to make the case that voting for conservative candidates and conservative issues is the authentically Catholic thing to do.
Yes, but those white northern Catholics assimilated into the larger culture and became culturally liberal/agnostic democrats and did not become part of the conservative movement. Hispanics now support gay marriage by about 50% and are not as religious as previous immigrants. Don’t delude yourself about the “Catholic” vote.